Saturday, 19 January 2013

lena dunham nude

Lena Dunham’s breakout HBO series Girls has attracted a lot of critical attention since its premiere in 2012. Dunham has been praised and derided for her representation of young twenty-somethings in New York. She has also come under fire for her under-representation of people of color. The most disputed criticism as of late, however, is related to Girls’ plentiful nudity and sex scenes. Critics tell Dunham to put some clothes on, but fans of the show’s famously-awkward sexual scenarios have spoken up in defense of Dunham, her body, and the creative choice to focus on sex for the sake of sex, rather than what some have called “the gaze.”
The good news: a New York Post review of season two of Lena Dunham’s HBO series Girls gave the show a solid three our of four stars.

The bad news: writer Linda Stasi got sidetracked with her review and instead started to criticize Dunham for her “pathological exhibitionist” behaviour.

“It’s not every day in the TV world of anorexic actresses with fake boobs that a woman with giant thighs, a sloppy backside and small breasts is compelled to show it all,” Stasi writes.

Come one, come all, listen to the internet’s greatest multitasker! Not only does she manage to critique the ultra-thin, the bubble-chested, but she also cuts down those with small but noble breasts, “giant” thighs, and floppy butt-cheeks. How does she manage to keep these contradictory statements in order? How does she do it all?
 The scene opens with some of the hottest actresses from the small screen - including “Mad Men’s” Christina Hendricks, “New Girl’s” Zooey Deschanel, and “The Office’s” Mindy Kaling - prepping their “I just won” faces in front of the mirror in a ladies room 20 minutes before show time.

Their duck face modeling is interupted by a crying figure darting into one of the stalls.

He said, 'Congrats to her. It’s so hard for little fat chicks to get anything going these days,'" Dunham said with a laugh. "It put me in the best mood! I just want to be like, my gravestone says, ‘She was a little fat chick and she got it going."

Check out Lena Dunham as she gets Season 2 of "Girls" going on Sunday, January 13 at 9 p.m. EST on HBO. "Late Show with David Letterman" airs weeknights at 11:35 p.m. EST on CBS.

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