Star of CBS’s “Big Bang Theory” Kaley Cuoco appears to spread her legs in the nude photo above.
Clearly Kaley Cuoco is another lost infidel soul, but she shows promise with her excellent birthing stance in this nude pic. If Kaley were to renounce her feeble Jew god Jesus and accept Allah as her lord and master a forgiving Muslim man would probably welcome her into his harem.
Kaley Cuoco should carefully consider what she is going to do with her life. She can either continue her meaningless existence providing her Zionist lords with nudity, or she can choose the righteous path of Islam, and receive the divine pleasure of serving at the heel of a virile Muslim man.
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Previously, we paid tribute to Lucy
Pinder bikini photos. Now, it's The
Big Bang Theory goddess.
The 26-year-old, who appeared on 8
Simple Rules and Charmed before TBBT, has been a nerd's dream girl for years.
Okay, everybody's dream girl.
Want to win her heart? Read the quote
on the bikini picture above. You're welcome.
See more Kaley Cuoco
photos below. Just try not to drool too much in public, ok?
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